Friday, August 24, 2012

Paranormal Peanut Butter

           To start off, I've had a really bad day. To put this quickly, It just isn't going like I had hoped.  But yesterday was great. I went to the mall, And got $50 JEANS for only $30! That's the most I've ever spent on clothes. Shoes, possibly. But Hollister is expensive. I only own two things from Hollister that isn't a hand-me-down. I got my school clothes, and I left the mall with my sister and mother. Today is a lazy day, sweats and TV. I was watching "My Ghost Story" and it is epic. Not to mention, A little bit of "Deadly Women" which is intense. Does anyone else eat Nutter Butter Minis?  They are delicious... And addicting. So basically, I'm having my daily dose of Paranormal Peanut Butter. Are you guys excited for back to school? I don't find out my teacher for A WEEK! I am jumping from subjects like that *little finger snaps*. Anyways, I already have decided what teachers I would really like to have. Does anyone else do that? How about picking what students you'd like to have? Too bad my two best friends aren't going to be with me. My best friend since Kindergarden moved away in the third grade, and we've talked on the phone ever since. Its been years since she left, But I don't want to believe she isn't coming back. My other friend is one year older. Ugh! Sam and *Elli, did you do this to me on purpose? See you again one day, *Elli!


Question for the readers:Have you ever experienced anything Paranormal?
Secondary Question: Do you watch Paranormal anything? 
Last question: Do Paranormal shows scare you? 

*=Her nickname is spelled Eli, but its pronounced Elly or Elli.

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